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Mind In View

Oct 22, 2023

It seems like there is so much information about protecting our mental health, but is this just theoretical? Do you struggle to protect your mental health in a world where the demands seem to be in conflict with this goal? In this episode we discuss how to take care of our mental health needs when the odds feel stacked...

Oct 1, 2023

Have you ever struggled to know if you were 'taking the high road' or just avoiding a difficult interaction? Have you ever betrayed yourself by doing what other people want, but telling yourself you're doing the 'right' thing? In this episode we discuss what it's like to take the high road and if it's always...

Sep 3, 2023

Do you struggle to say no to people or things? It seems like it's important to be able to say no in order to succeed but some of us struggle so much saying the dam word! In this episode we explore why it's so difficult for us and what we're afraid of! We also discuss ways to push ourselves to say it more without shame,...

Aug 20, 2023

Do you ever find that it's easier to give to others than to yourself? Why is it so easy for us to say yes to others but not to ourselves? In this episode we unpack how and why we do this and ways to do more both/and rather than either/or!

Aug 12, 2023

Our thoughts about what we've been thinking. In this episode, Kate and Thea take some time to reflect on their past few weeks, exploring the highs and lows. It always comes back to our mental health!