May 26, 2021
Is gratitude an attitude? Is optimism a strategy? Sure. Those positive approaches to life can certainly benefit our mental, emotional, and physical health. But when we don't allow them to co-exist with the hard parts--when they become avoidance or denial in disguise--they can become shallow and toxic. Thea and...
May 18, 2021
Do you remember the day when "I wouldn't be caught dead leaving the house in sweatpants..." became "it's been so long since I've worn non-elastic clothing I'm not sure it still fits?" This pandemic has done a number on our physical appearances--it's changed our movement habits, what we wear, where we go, and how we see...
May 11, 2021
You now how some situations or interactions just feel like they totally drain your life force? Yeah, we do too. In this episode, Thea and Kate talk about their own experiences with "energy vampires," and offer some simple ways we can make sure we are protecting ourselves and our inner peace when we inevitably come upon ...
May 4, 2021
Do you have a relationship with your intuition, that little quiet voice inside you that tells you what you really need to know? As valuable as it is, sometimes we can avoid, mistrust, or mislabel it, and as a result we miss out on a connection with our innermost knowing. Thea and Kate discuss their own thoughts on the...